Modern and inclusive employer

Our employees are our most important asset. So, one of the pillars of our CSR policy also revolves around them.


We offer opportunities to maintain the work-life balance and make efforts to improve mobility, foster a culture of safety, gender equality, trust and autonomy, self-control and an IT environment which provides the necessary flexibility.

The world turns quickly. Our environment is constantly changing and as a dynamic company we want to be flexible enough to keep up with the relevant evolutions. In view of this, Aquafin facilitates its employees so that they know where the company wants to go and what role they can play in this. We want them to see changes and evolutions as a new opportunity, not a threat. We encourage them to take their future within the company into their own hands.


Attracting the right talent

Aquafin’s future is full of opportunities. But it is the people, our employees, who have to realise all of these ambitions. That is why we continually invest in our talents.
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A safe (working) environment

Safety is a top priority for Aquafin. We apply strict safety regulations, whether for the sake of our employees, our contractors or the environment in which we work.
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